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Humanity must not die.

Humanity must not die.
Money, power and Sex are leading the world

Archive for August 2011

Guys look at these fellows. Whats their fault for such condition. Just think of you in the same position.

Lets change them. I think its not difficult to adopt one small child for a friend circle.
Lets enjoy, rock and think of our nation too.

Make them go to school. Its in ur hands. Will u do this ? Just think of it  once.

Hai friends,
     I am here to just share my ideas here.

I don't know what you are? You may be a student or an employee. You may be rich or poor. I think you are capable of having basic needs.

How much amount you are spending just for your entertainment, time pass?

        Do you know that you can make others full fill their basic needs with the same you are spending for extra activities. 

Let me explain you how?

For example
                      A degree student may spend nearly Rs1000/month for his extra activities. ofcourse some students can't, but mostly I think so. May be this amount is less for some and more of it to some.

What 10% of this amount will do to others if you wish?
  You can make a poor child labour into a student.

Of course the school fee in these days is heavy and this 100 rs per month is so small.
        you alone may not do this. You may have a good friend circle. And all of the friends from your circle can make it possible.
            YOU= 100 and now YOUR friends (15)=1500 and this would be Rs18000/- per year
And now you can make a child get admitted into a school.
60 members from a class can do a lot. I think Rs 100 is not a big amount per a month.

Please think once what you are doing with your money. Of course ur money ur wish.
But be positive. You please discuss with your friends or classmates.

You can do a lot from the small amount of money u save.

Lets be a part in building our nation.


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